Tuesday, September 1, 2009

1 - lemon sugar cookies

The good thing about making cookies is that it always makes your home smell like family reunions and laughter - so I usually bake them when I am feeling nostalgic and a little blue

2 3/4 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 cup butter, soft
1 egg
2 tsp vanilla exctract
zest of 1 lemon
what I did 
*preheat oven to 375F - 190C
*either butter 2 cookie sheets or use wax paper
*mixed all the dry ingredients together in any type of container
*the butter has to be soft! it is the key, since my butter had been in the fridge, I took it out and chopped it into small pieces and put it in the microwave until it was soft (do not melt!)
*cream butter and sugar together until smooth
*add the egg, vanilla and zest to your sugar mix
*I gradually mixed the dry ingredients with the soft ingredients...
*once everything was well blended, with my hands I made little balls of dough and placed them in a cookie sheet (about 15 balls per sheet)
*cook for 8 minutes!!!! the second batch I cooked for 11 and they turned out to be a little too hard, the ones that I baked for 8 minutes are still soft one day later.


  1. que es zest?? nunca hice galletas podria probar esta vez, tomare en cuenta lo de los 8 minutos.. aunque podrian ser 9 mas simbolico jejnej

  2. zest es la cascarita rallada bien finita (como de la naranja o el limon)
    q emocion q estes leyendo!
